

Commissioned by Snap Theatre Company
Small to medium scale touring, cast of 5.  Two acts

Synopsis: Mary Shelley reminds us that man is fragile. She dedicated her novel to her father William Godwin who understood that knowledge 'unmixed with sentiments of benevolence and sympathy' is a poor thing. The script begins with a prologue about Mary's life and influences. It explores the themes of the destructive potential of science and the responsibility of the scientist to consider the use to which their inventions and discoveries might be put, and society's rejection of those who are 'other'.  Poetic language, strong visual images, a classical chorus, and a fluid, theatrical form call for a dance-like style of performance, a non-realistic set and costumes.

Production History
Year & Company
1995 - Snap Theatre Company
Jeremy James
Cast: Mark Blythe, Neil Burgess, Darrell Harding, Polly Kilpatrick, Juley McCann
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